Wednesday, July 22

we're 200

I noticed when starting this post that it's my 200th post. Wow..200 posts...I guess thats a lot..well not a lot for some those who consisantly post on a daily basis..but it's a lot for me. If I had to break it down, that's probably about 15 posts about vacations or traveling, 40 posts about what we're having for dinner, 144 posts about Izzie..and 1 post about poop. :)

Well for this 200th post, I have a picture of Izzie.

I don't suppose you're surprised by this at all. It really was supposed to be a picture of my haircut, but she came up with me and..well...I took our picture. Here's what it actually looks like.

There you have it...Happy 200th...we all look good for our age....

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