Friday, September 9

A Very Merry UnBirthday to You

( I realize this happened in September...but I am WAY behind....) On Saturday night (9/3), the family went to Benihanna to celebrate the birthdays of Carol and Willie.

As you can see, a good time was had by all.. as is typical when we all go OUT somewhere and no one is on clean-up! Gavin expecially liked the umbrella drinks..and the oranges which were attached to the glasses.

Cathy and Jeff sat at the far end of the Keith and I had the pleasure of starting back at their lovely faces all much pleasure, in fact, that Keith could hardly remove the smile from his face! Now that is a good familiy outing!

The evening continued with a rousing rendition of what we assumed to be Happy Birthday to you...but truth be told, it could have been "get out of here...we are sick of bringing you things..."

Jordan and I met at the bar for a final drink. Her's was non-alcholic, of course...mine, was not.

I believe at some point there was some type of cake or ice cream cake... I don't actaully remember us eating any..but I am sure we did...and, of course, we have this picture...where Carol is wearing the same shirt as above... and the cake says Happy Birthday Carol. I guess the proof is in the pudding...