Wednesday, February 7

Thoughts of Singapore

Now that I am nearing the end of my stay in Singapore - 34 hours till my plane leaves...not that I am counting - I thought I'd share with you my thoughts on my first Asian experience.
  • Every woman in Singapore weighs 90 pounds and is under 5' tall.

  • When you sit at a resturaunt, you should add one to your party..because something is coming out with a face..and it might just still be alive enough to carry its part of the conversation.

  • No one in Singapore believes in napkins....which may explain the food finger stains on all my clothes...

  • It is impossible to hail a cab. You have to call and reserve one - not that it's easy to do that either.

  • McDonalds chicken nuggets are the same...a real taste of home...and the Ketchup is still the Fancy kind

  • Jell-o pudding costs $11.70 SGD. Thats like $8 USD.

  • The national past time here is shopping. People shop constantly! Though not much of a problem for me. (see point #1)
  • Every bathroom stall smells like someone was just in there and took a giant crap! Thats if there is even a toilet and not a hole in the floor.

  • I can find a lot of my favorite British products at the pharmacy.

  • You need a perscription for Gum.

  • The Borders Books has no knitting books.

Saturday, February 3

A Saturday with Old Friends

Today I woke up to an email from a family friend, giving me suggestions of things to do in Singapore. I decided to take her up on a few of them, including going for English Tea. I looked at the map and decided to walk - which ended up taking me over an hour. I finally made it to the Goodwood Park Hotel. I found the place where they were having tea and was seated. I ordered a really nice Vanilla tea.

This is the before picture....

..the during...

and the after...

Yes..that is my knitting on the table.

After tea, and I sat there for almost 2 hours...I decided I was going to take the train back to my hotel. On the way, I got sidetracked and spent some time with some old friends.

I bought 2 pairs of my favorite pajamas..

...and a book.
I feel like I had a really good day!!!