I'd like to declare a five foot zone around me as the "No Bullshit Zone". Maybe I have been extra moody lately, I have a lot on my mind, but it seems like everything..EVERYTHING is annoying me...from every driver on the road who can't stay in their freaking lane to people at work who think I care about what they are trying to tell me. Now don't get me wrong, I do my job
..and my immediate co-workers..no problem with them...but its all the OTHER stuff...like stuff people are supposed to do
themselves. Why do so many people now claim that they are clueless? it's like I need to hire them a babysitter or something. Or I am supposed to be their babysitter....hmm..I wonder what that pays these days.
So...to sum it all up...
I feel like posting this up at work..or sending it out to people via email..oohh..like my new email signature???
Julie Hoover....shut the fuck up...has a nice ring to it....and wow..that would totally improve my mood!
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