Tuesday, April 28

A little honesty

I'll be honest...now that most of the packing is done, I am a little bored. Don't get me wrong, there are still things to do and I am still working, but I am genuinely bored. I think I must be mentally in transition - I don't really want to do anything here, but I can't do anything there because..well..because I can't. Fortunately, work has been busy.

So...I've been trying not to read about the swine flu. I think the media is just in complete scare mode..which I am not going to buy in to. I mean, I wash my hands, I don't have people who spit on me, so I am pretty safe. I did find this great blog post though..which really just confirmed a lot of what I was thinking. It's kinda long, but a good, realistic read on the subject.

In other news..we went to the vet today...and guess who cost me $400?

Yep..that's who. At least we're stocked up on all the doggie drugs for a year :)

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