Sunday, April 26

95% done

Paul and I have been packing...but it took Paul's aunt Terri coming over...dragging everything out of the cabinets..and basically telling us to deal with it to get it done. Believe me, I got a little irritated, but I know why she did it and I am very grateful. All that remains is to box up our televisions (Paul would begin to twitch if we did it before next Wednesday), do some laundry, throw the rest of the food out, and that's really about it. Oh..and we have to pack some clothes for a few weeks, though we can also live out of the wardrobe boxes. So...that means that we can enjoy our last weekend here - we're available.

Also, I don't know if anyone noticed, but I posted a badge of our vacation pictures over there on the right. We had a great time.

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