Sunday, June 29

Our TV is sick

Something is wrong with our TV. I really tried to talk Paul into going out to get a new one yesterday...I had it all figured..we could get it and have it all paid off before we move. We'd then just move it back to Chicago and that would be one less thing we'd have to get when we moved.

Normally, I can do without is more my thing. If it wasn't for Paul, I'd have the cable turned I am really surprised that this whole TV thing is bothering me as much as it is...

Notice that big yellow area in the MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN?? it is making me crazy.

(We were watching the BBC series Planet Earth yesterday on our relatively new blu-ray player...I want a clear picture! )

If the yellow isn't enough..when the screen is dark, we get this...

Sorry..its really fuzzy because I was too lazy to get up off the couch to take a picture of the television..but do you see the BLUE BLOTCHES???? I was watching House on Friday and my Hugh Laurie had a big purple spot on this head.

Paul says he can fix it..for $200 he can replace some bulb...I say we put the $200 towards a new flat panel tv. I hope if I keep on he'll break down..because I know, deep down, he'd love a new TV. I have my fingers crossed.

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