Friday, February 13

Guess what time it is...hint..its Friday...

I am so excited about Random's actually happening on a FRIDAY. a few random things.

If you missed my post yesterday, I am SO almost out of Vegemite. If you don't know what it is, then you most certainly would not like it, so don't rush out and get any - unless you're planning to send it to me. I (heart) Vegemite!

Secondly, the Green Machine has been making noises lately. I'm sure it has to do with it being 9 years old and having 116,000 miles on it..and probably being incredibly rusty underneath (I'm talking about my car in case you're confused). All of this is making me want one of these...

Yep..that's the Dodge Challenger. Totally impractical for driving in snow or transporting a child (not that we have one in the oven..don't get excited) but so, SO cool. I would LOVE to have one. The responsible side of me would never get one...I'll just get TGM IS a Honda and has been a gem of a vehicle. (Besides..I haven't had a car payment in years..and that is really nice...but the Challenger is actually quite well priced..but I don't need one...)

Again..random..but I feel like I am suffering from Post Song Lyric Contest Syndrome - otherwise known as PSLCS. Kate had a contest over at her blog and we had to identify song lyrics for a week (well..I guess you could have figured that one out). I was one of three winners which really made me feel good and also wondering what I could have been doing with the part of my brain currently being taken up by song lyrics. I think she should do another one..maybe with lines from movies?? Ugh..more wasted brain..less..but more..

I love making up ACRONYMS...(and Vegemite...)

And my final comment here on Random Friday...why does my husband do this? Do all of them do this?

Did he think I might want a 1/4 of a glass of orange kool-aid during the day? or maybe I'd like to have a full glass but would want it really, really watered down? I don't get it.

So there you go...random Friday...on Friday.....peace out.

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