Saturday, January 31

Random Friday

I wanted to start having Random Friday...where I could just write whatever I wanted and it didn't really have to have any flow or know, not pressure, right? Well yesterday I thought I'd have a really easy day and have time to post..well..the best laid plans right. I worked until 11:30 PM and was SO not happy! I will not go into it, I've already had a good vent to Sarah and seeing as how she understands the players and I already have her sympathy, there's really no need. After all of that, I didn't have time to post. So the first installment of Random Friday is being logged on Saturday 5:00 evening? I'm not really sure.

Knowing people are actually reading this has made me feel like I have to post more often. I also don't use my camera phone much here we go...and I took these all while fully stopped at traffic lights.

On the way to the gym Friday morning I see this. Now my apologies if anyone has one of these...

Now will someone tell this a truck? or a car? and why would you have one of these?? I mean, the one plus is its a Subaru..which I want one of them for my next car...but the cartruck? or truckcar... caruk? I just don't get it.

I also saw this....

I took this as a sign that moving back to Illinois is the right thing to do. Oh..and the Bears will win the 7 :)

And lastly...I love cupcakes. I just can't help it. I haven't had one since I went to see Jill in I talked to Google and she helped me find some. (here now begins camera pictures)

Holy Crap (my new favorite phrase) YUM!!!!

And I also got new glasses a few weeks ago. (I warned you this was going to be random). (Mac picture)

I guess that's it! Thank you for participating in the first Random Friday...but on Saturday...I have to start making dinner now..bye.

UPDATE: I didn't make dinner...we went to McDonalds....

1 comment:

DK said...

Good choice on dinner!

I say it's a cruck. One of these days I'm going to go to the Subaru dealer and test-drive one of those just to figure out what the hell you're supposed to do with it.

And, wow, those are some impressive cupcakes! Holy crap indeed!!

Now, say it like someone who actually lives in IL...Da Bearss!

PS, my verification word was "mengis," which I apparently was so amused by I misspelled it, and so now I've got "mytor", which also amuses me. I'm not sure why I think that's funny, but I do...