Saturday, January 31

Random Friday

I wanted to start having Random Friday...where I could just write whatever I wanted and it didn't really have to have any flow or know, not pressure, right? Well yesterday I thought I'd have a really easy day and have time to post..well..the best laid plans right. I worked until 11:30 PM and was SO not happy! I will not go into it, I've already had a good vent to Sarah and seeing as how she understands the players and I already have her sympathy, there's really no need. After all of that, I didn't have time to post. So the first installment of Random Friday is being logged on Saturday 5:00 evening? I'm not really sure.

Knowing people are actually reading this has made me feel like I have to post more often. I also don't use my camera phone much here we go...and I took these all while fully stopped at traffic lights.

On the way to the gym Friday morning I see this. Now my apologies if anyone has one of these...

Now will someone tell this a truck? or a car? and why would you have one of these?? I mean, the one plus is its a Subaru..which I want one of them for my next car...but the cartruck? or truckcar... caruk? I just don't get it.

I also saw this....

I took this as a sign that moving back to Illinois is the right thing to do. Oh..and the Bears will win the 7 :)

And lastly...I love cupcakes. I just can't help it. I haven't had one since I went to see Jill in I talked to Google and she helped me find some. (here now begins camera pictures)

Holy Crap (my new favorite phrase) YUM!!!!

And I also got new glasses a few weeks ago. (I warned you this was going to be random). (Mac picture)

I guess that's it! Thank you for participating in the first Random Friday...but on Saturday...I have to start making dinner now..bye.

UPDATE: I didn't make dinner...we went to McDonalds....

Thursday, January 29

Dude..what's that smell??

For dinner tonight, we had planned to have salad. For the past 2 weeks, in keeping with my weight loss/exercise/why am I spending all this money for a trainer 4 times a week at 7:30 a.m. when I should be sleeping... I've been planning for a week at a time so that I don't eat too much. Well anyway, I wanted to have eggs to go in the salad, so I put 2 on to boil. HOLY HELL...can I just say I don't know what happened, but one of them broke in the water and our apartment stinks! We ended up going out for dinner..but it didn't get any better even with all the exhaust fans on...even though I sprayed Oust. Now we're sitting with the front window open and I am getting cold. Izzie is sitting next to me and I can only imagine what shes thinking "..good lord mama...what stinks???". That's what I'd be thinking. Also..I'd be wondering "why does mama have the window open?"

Now I have to be honest with all of you (no..I did not create the dare you think that!) ...I have to admit that this Izzie picture is not from today. I wrapped her up in a blanket because she looked cold and I am a good doggie mama. I then tried to take her picture and she wouldn't look at me. So I said "Izzie want a treat?" Well that was it..she was up..tail wagging and there was no way she was sitting for a picture. And yes..she got a treat :) So I apologize for the recycled picture.

I've been thinking a lot about Izz lately and wondering what goes on in her mind. Sometimes during the day she sits by my desk and stares at me...I think she's thinking something like "treat, treat, treat, treat, treat" or "potty, potty, potty, potty, potty". I doubt she's saying "sing, sing, sing" but sometimes I do anyway :) I also sometimes break out in a dance..but I won't go there... Sometimes I wish she could just tell me what she's thinking...because I think dogs are WAY smarter than people think. And by people, I mean non-dog owners.

That's now I am sitting here, working, wondering when this smell is going to go away...actaully..I think its not as bad...

Tuesday, January 27

Under Pressure

So..since I have heard that some people actually DO look at my blog, I feel all of this pressure to update it. (sheesh..there I go with the SO...again. I wonder if there is a support group). Today, I don't know if anyone noticed, but today is 100 days until we move. That's kinda scary. I haven't done anything to begin preparing, except plan a vacation...and I don't think that officially counts. And Saturday will be the first day of February! The shortest month of the year! I need a moving planner!

Also, I realize that not everyone is thrilled with our new President, but I am lucky to have friends who have opinions and that is good..its what our country is all about. Anyway, what I am excited about is that our new President has totally revamped the White House website...and even is having weekly addresses. Here's the one from this week.

And here's a picture of Izzie... I am a total sucker for a little dog who totally loves me and loves this blog. It's totally her platform!

Thursday, January 22

Cadillac One

These past days have been so exciting..with the Inauguration of our new President and Vice President (I really like both of them...which is a real change from before Monday...). And today, we had the first day with our new Secretary of State. I feel like, for the first time in a long time, we're in really capable hands. I feel patriotic.

I've also received my first "email" from the President. I think as a country we'll be much more informed and involved.

To round out the Presidential theme, a friend of mine shared the link to this. It's all about Cadillac One - the President's car. It's quite interesting really. Click the picture for a larger view.

Tuesday, January 20

President Obama

It's a beautiful day for a new President.
Good luck President Obama.

Sunday, January 18


So there really isn't anything going on. (Why do I constantly start thoughts with "so"? I have no clue.)

Anyway, so (I must really work on that!) its been really nice and warm here in South Texas and we're looking at 70's for the whole week. I took some really nice pictures of the sunset the other day and I thought that maybe someone would enjoy them. So here they are.

I love when the sky is all pink..I wonder why it does that? (yes..I'm sure I could google it..but it would take all the mystery out of wondering...just like the 2 night I spent wondering what the name of the maintenance guy on the show "One Day at a Time" was! Schneider...I know NOW...)

Paul and I have a long weekend given that Monday is Martin Luther King day...and so now we just have another day to find something to do. Paul will likely play video games and I will knit on my sweater and go to the gym. We did go out yesterday to Dave and Busters - which really is just a variation on the video game theme for Paul...but doesn't he look happy?

While we were there I also won 500 tickets (the million dollars) on Deal or No Deal. I had 1 case and my case..and 82 tickets or 500...Paul said I should take the 285 offered...but I just couldn't...and my case had 500!!! I got applause!! It was a very proud moment for me.

Also, in other news, we've finally booked our vacation!

Sunday, January 11


Tonight we took Paul's grandma out for her birthday. We love going to fondue but only really do it for special occasions.
We all had a really good time...and plenty of food..and chocolate...which required that I put on my stretchy pants when we got home.

Monster Trucks

Let me first say...HOLY CRAP THESE THINGS ARE LOUD!!! Probably the loudest thing I have ever heard. Thankfully we had our earplugs!

I could not believe how many people came out to see this! We heard on the way in that they were apparently sold out. Also apparently there are some of these people/trucks that people really follow...because there were people who clearly knew all about this stuff...I felt so uneducated.

Anyway...there were a few trucks I particularly liked..they had these 2 what were "mutt" themed..with ears and tails... flipped over as well.

And Paul bought me some cotton candy...a bag of nothing but sugar...yum...

Thursday, January 8

Hot and Cold

As much as I loved visiting Illinois, I loved seeing this when we got home.

Thats don't need to clean your glasses...82!

Izzie was such a good traveler, as usual...and even sat in her bag at times when it wasn't really the security line at O'Hare. I am always amazed at how many friends she makes while waiting in line or waiting to board a plane. Here she is waiting at baggage claim!

The night before we left, my mom and dad took us to dinner for our Anniversary and I had to take this one of my dad and Paul in their matching hats!

I realize that this was all a bit hodge podge...but I am ok with that. Its all part of my New Year's resolutions!!!