Friday, October 31


Happy Halloween.

We didn't get any trick-or-treaters, except Zack next door, so we went grocery shopping. Oh..and it was 85 degrees.

Video schmideo

I really like Sarah Silverman... Warning..this may be offensive to some people who are overly sensitive..and those people should not be on my blog anyway :)

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.

Update: Dude..yes..I know this is old...but I still liked it...not my fault I was prolly super busy when it came out and I totally missed it but its hard to cover the entire internet everyday right??

Wednesday, October 29

Next Tuesday...

Next Tuesday I plan to sit in front of my TV and watch CNN all day..because this has got to be the most exciting election I may ever see in my life time. Never, in my lifetime, has it meant more! I also find it inspiring that so many of these type of videos are coming out...which appeal to my demographic!

Sunday, October 26


It was a really nice day here in Texas, so Paul and I did a few things outside. First, Paul got a new bike...I got my tires pumped up :) We had a quick ride around our apartment area and so I think we both know how to do it. They say you never forget, right? Or is that when you fall off, you get right back on ??? I can't remember.

We also went to the driving range. Now the last time we went I got really mad...I am happy to report that on this occasion, I did not go all Happy Gilmore on anyone!

I obviously needed to be wearing my lucky Tab visor...

Saturday, October 25


Don't know if you've seen this..but it made me smile
See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Tuesday, October 14

Thank you for shopping at Walgreens lunch today, my mom went to Walgreens to pick up a few things...

As the receipt shows, she purchased the following items:
  • Vitamin D - buy one get one free.
  • Eye shadow - buy one get one 50% off
  • 2 packages of facial cleansing cloths...

When she went to check out, the items were rung up..and the cashier, Jim, asked her for $9.74. My mom asked if that was correct...Jim reviewed the receipt and said, yes, that was correct. OK, so my mom handed him $10.04 cents. Jim, gave her $10.30 she said you gave me change for a $20, and Jim replaced her $10 with a $1

Look at the receipt!

Had Jim reviewed the REGISTER...he would have gotten the amount right! Who looks at the RECEIPT???? According to my mom..this was the manager...He charged her the amount she SAVED....and clearly shows she still owed 12.26...who knows what he did with that!!! Some one's going to be in trouble later today! Especially if he's done all his transactions like this...oh..and again, if you missed it, this was the manager!

So..the moral of the story is...if you're ever in Oswego, Illinois, and your down a few bucks..go to Walgreens and look for Jim - I'll allow him to serve me any day of the week...and maybe I can quit my job.

Sunday, October 12

Come on Down!

If you are in my know that my Nan (my mom's mom) LOVED the Price is Right! And I think Lindsay watches it any day that she can. I can picture her in front of the tv..with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee...watching and bidding for an hour! Well..they came out with a Price is Right game for the Wii...and I thought it would be the PERFECT present for Lin...well it got some mixed reviews online and so I hesitated to get it. Well Friday, Paul got a $40 reward certificate for Best Buy..blah, blah, blah...we got some of them being the Price is Right! did not disappoint!
I got to Spin the Wheel...

Bid on my Showcase of fantastic prizes...

And I won!

So I think that Lin may be getting this for an upcoming occasion.

Also..this is totally unrelated..but take a look at the view out of my living room window.

Does it not look like it could snow??? Well..its like 85 outside...crazy, right?

Tuesday, October 7

I have readers? I've noticed that since I've put the 'Where Are You' profile visitor map on my page that people actually do look at my blog..which is weird because for ages I've seriously thought that I've just been talking to myself...which is fine, I suppose..because I talk to myself a LOT!!! Anyway..I'd like to take a minute to request that someone make some comments!!!! I mean, honestly...just say Hi if you'd like..but say something!!!! that out...
Ok...(I say that a lot...) anyway, I've been holding onto this for a while now...and I think today is as good a day as any...a few weeks ago, I made some related to a certain muppet type show with a catchy theme song that you can sing along to..I think you know which one I mean...anyway, I think someone at the Staples company would be interested in this....

I don't know about you..but that looks like the Easy Button to me!!!

I suppose I should not only be admitting to loving the muppet-type shows..but also to the fact that I take pictures of my TV...

Post comments people!!!!


I found this over on Kate's blog..I can't top what she said so I'm not even going to try... you should head over there and check it out..but here's the video. Makes you think...and you'd better vote!

Sunday, October 5

I've missed you

It's been a while since I've blogged..well..since I had the political posts...and I think its because I haven't had much going on. Well...I still don't have much going on, but I do have some pictures I can share with you...and I am sure I'll manage some commentary... you know I like to post pictures of Izzie because every one loves her..right? Well there is a little boy who lives next door - Zack - and he loves Izzie too. We'll start with a picture of Zack.

Last Saturday night Jennifer (Zack's mom), Zack and I went to Target..well..because we were bored..and we got some Halloween decorations, including this ghost in the picture. Zack..he loves that ghost..and he loves Izzie...which brings us to this video...

So...enough about Izzie...

We went today to buy a new tent. If you recall, in the spring we went camping and had a good time. Well..after that experience, with Paul, Izzie and I in a really small tent..I mean, small once you put in the queen size airbed there really wasnt much we got a new tent. We're planning to go camping again on October we figured that in preperation..and because we had nothing else going on...we should make sure we could set it up, it had all the pieces, etc, etc.

So here we are in our front yard...its really small..and it was super windy today...nice, right?

Here's a look at the front.

We got this one because it has the screen porch. The picture on the box showed that the screen room had a floor, which is why we piced this one...but when we put it up NO FLOOR! So..we're going to have to get a tarp or something...Oh also..we don't have the cover thing (Im so technical, I know) on but we do have one so if, god forbid it rains, we won't get wet!

So there you have it. Paul said that when we move to Illinois, that we should camp on the way...haha..right...can you see telling my mom..hey..were stopping at the KOA and you can sleep your ass on the ground??? Yeah..right!! Still, I like the new tent. The airbed and the dog will fit much better this time around.