Sunday, April 6


This weekend Paul and I went camping with our friends, Brandt and Nicole. We stayed at Mermaid Cove, about an hour ride from where we live. We were going to stay at one of the Texas Park and Wildlife places, but we found out that we weren't going to be able to drink. What?? Camping and no drinking? Thats like a birthday party without cake, right??? Anyway, so we went to Mermaid Cove - the people were so nice! And they let us basically camp any where we wanted.

We got out there before lunch, set up the tents and got set up..and then we just sat.

and sat..and went to the gas station..and sat..and found the bathrooms..and sat...and had lunch..some drinks...dinner...drinking games...drinking...wait..Im the president? no your the asshole..oh crap.take a drink...drinking...smores!!!! one more game...oh tired..sleep...zzzz...

get up...make breakfast...a beer before breakfast Paul?..cook over the fire...

...pack up..go home..sleep..zzzz

There are more pictures on the left..many more with the dog of course :)

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