Tuesday, December 9

Boring Post

I am going to say this is going to be a super boring post...mostly because my laptop won't turn on so I don't have any pictures to post..or if I take some..say maybe of the sweater I am knitting..I can't post them because I don't know where the cord is to hook my camera up with this computer. (I think I actually know where the cord is...but I am not going to get it because I have no sweater picture..and I think you see the vicious cycle...) So..yeah..my laptop is broken. I am going to take it in to get repaired on Thursday. I blame it on Paul and his stupid game that he plays on it. Ever since he started it has been super slow. I think he's going to owe me a MacBook...

What else? The weather here has been so nice..but now the wind has started blowing and so it'll be "cold"..well Texas cold, for the next few days.

There really isn't anything else happening. I am counting the days till we go to Illinois for Christmas...for which I have bought Paul snow boots...he'll be needing them :)

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