Monday, June 27

Splish Splash

On Sunday, June 19th, Gavin and I went swimming while his mom and dad were seeing about getting him a new house.

The weather was warm..but the water temperature was a bit chilly..about 78. I got his Little Swimmer on and slathered him down with SPF 50. Let me just say he was a wee bit slippery!

We went out to the pool and I got his whale out. At first, he was not too sure...perhaps this was due to the water temperature, because I know how much he likes water!

After a few minutes he settled down, we got his hat strapped on, and he was ready to go!

He really likes to hang over the side of his whale and splash..he thinks that is pretty funny. He's got quite a set of legs too and is not afraid to kick!

After about 45 minutes, he was getting sleepy and it was time for his nap. We got him out of the pool and he sat on the side for a minute while I got out. He looks like a foot dippin' professional!

I am sure there will be many, many more swims before the summer is over!

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