Wednesday, July 16

Green Beans last time I blogged..well, not last time, because last time I shared my enjoyment of the Japanese game show...but the time before that, I said that there had been an incident I called the Richard/Lanclos, almost Hoover match up...starring the color green... remember? So..on the 4th of July, we went over to Mike and Renee's and sitting there, was my dad and my uncle...

I thought only women did this. What made it even funnier..was that Paul had this on the day before..

Now that would have been funny, right! We would have made fun of Dad and Paul..and then when Charlie had entered the picture...whoa nelly! We would have peed our pants! while we were visiting...we also went to see Taylor play softball. They were playing in a tournament..and they, spanked. The one good thing was that Tay got one of the only hits and on one of those got the only RBI of the whole thing for her team. Way to go T! And I got it on tape.

Let's see...what else happened? We did lots of riding with the top down

...(my dad thought I was taking a picture of Home Depot...I mean, honestly!) I did take a picture of the gas price...that's much more interesting..

That was really about it. We had a good time during our visit. Hopefully we'll get to go back in the fall.

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