Monday, March 9

I'm the music one

Everyone seems to have the thing they love...I love music. I could spend the rest of my life without television and movies...but don't thing I could go a day without music. I like all kinds of music, with few exceptions really. Last week U2 came out with a new album and I've been spending the last few days getting to know it. I love the whole process, which also includes listening to all their other music - I have all of it. I do my best bonding with music in the car. Since I don't really drive anywhere anymore, I've been substituting the treadmill - somewhere where I have nothing else on my mind. This new album is definitely a little different than their other music, but isn't that why artists put out NEW things? Anyway, I am listening to part one of a three part series with them this week (online) - and Paul probably thinks i am silly sitting here in the living room with my headphones on. He's a TV person...and I am the music one....

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