Saturday, March 28

Shout out

This is a shout out to Nancy who apparently reads my blog. Nancy..I am so glad someone is reading this :) and that you're fully informed on Izzie, what I am eating, and what ever else I can come up with.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 26

two weeks

Two weeks from tonight, we'll be just about ready to leave for our vacation. I cannot explain to you how much I need this vacation...I don't think I've ever needed a vacation like I need this one.

Also on another shiny note, tomorrow is Friday. Even though we'll have to pack again this weekend, at least it'll be the weekend.

Monday, March 23


This is the second weekend where we have been packing and getting ready to move. We're down to 45 days! And for a week of that we'll be on vacation. 20 days till that. (I countdown a lot...) I'd like to think that is the reason I haven't been blogging much. So we've been packing and getting rid of things and really getting to know the guy at the Goodwill drop off station. It's been a real thrill...

( life has become super boring...)

So about the packing...I never thought I'd end up boxing up 4 boxes of DVD's...I have no idea when we'll ever watch those again. Maybe I should tell Paul that we aren't getting cable when we move. Wait...maybe I don't want to cause any panic.

Last weekend, not this past last weekend but the last last weekend...I was in Petco getting Izzie some dog food when I was sucked in by the doggie clothes. I couldn't resist...I thought she needed a hoodie...

I think she looks cute..and it totally matches her new polka-dot collar. But maybe now I have just become one of those people who dresses their dog in clothes....hmm...well I only had her wear it that one day.

So..staying on the subject of Izzie...when we were cleaning out the closet yesterday, we found the big squeaky dog toys we'd found at Costco..I think they were like $14 for the 4-pack. Anyway, I decided to give her the rest of now there are 3 of these things hanging around..I'm surprised we have anywhere to walk because they take up so much room...

And finally...I also found these in the closet...I knew they were there..but it was kind of an outta sight, outta mind...
Izzie loves these! Shocker!

Friday, March 13


I am bored. Its been a really slow week, other than work, and I am really ready for the weekend. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not going to be exciting...mostly laundry and packing...but at least I won't have to set an alarm.

I've bought a few things recently off of Etsy. Today my hat came. Its a little big, but I think it's fine.

Once I get my other stuff, I'll show it here as well. (wow..maybe I should have put on some mascara or something before taking my picture..oh well...never mind.) I love this website..some of the stuff people make and sell I just don't get. But some of it I find is amazing...I think I'll be buying a lot of my future gifts here...I like to support the little people.

Monday, March 9

I'm the music one

Everyone seems to have the thing they love...I love music. I could spend the rest of my life without television and movies...but don't thing I could go a day without music. I like all kinds of music, with few exceptions really. Last week U2 came out with a new album and I've been spending the last few days getting to know it. I love the whole process, which also includes listening to all their other music - I have all of it. I do my best bonding with music in the car. Since I don't really drive anywhere anymore, I've been substituting the treadmill - somewhere where I have nothing else on my mind. This new album is definitely a little different than their other music, but isn't that why artists put out NEW things? Anyway, I am listening to part one of a three part series with them this week (online) - and Paul probably thinks i am silly sitting here in the living room with my headphones on. He's a TV person...and I am the music one....

I quit

Well so much for Random Friday...I don't made me feel such pressure to come up with something to say. I guess I just don't work that way.

I am going to make dinner..but hopefully I'll have a post later :) At minimum, there will be an Izzie picture.