Wednesday, September 24

they're back....with videos...

I don't know about you, but I sure am glad that all my favorite shows are starting again. Unfortunately, with all the new shows that start at this time of the year, there comes a time when you have to decide that, though you really like how a new show looks, you just can't commit to one more program. I feel like this is what I've had to do this season...I am going to commit to exactly zero one more new program.

So..let me run down some of my case you're looking for something new to watch.

The Big Bang Theory - Monday

We just recently bought the first season on DVD. I really hope lots of people are watching this because it's got to be one of the funniest comedies on TV.

Also..of course..House - Tuesday

I searched You Tube (don't you love You Tube???) for some funny scene, but found this. I actually remember most of these. If you love House like I do, then enjoy. If not..I question your judgement. I love Hugh Laurie...and another Hugh..but maybe that'll be the subject of tomorrows post.

So those are pretty much the 2 shows every week that I don't miss right now. In January, LOST will start again and then I'll have another show.

I actually must correct myself..I did start a new show this year - bringing up LOST made me think of it. I've been watching Fringe - Tuesday

Its great so far and has all the crazy creepiness of LOST..but different, you know? Its kind of sci-fi... and I found a clip on YOU TUBE!!!

And also Dirty Sexy Money - Wednesday

And Grey's Anatomy - Thursday. I am not posting a video for Grey's, because I am a little torn. I think I'll give it a few episodes, but if it gets all boring and predicable like last season, I think I am going to call it quits.

OH..and Scrubs will be back in the winter!!! I have a few more seasons on DVD that I still need to watch :)

So, that's what I am watching...Paul is watching WAY more shows...what about you?

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