Please remind me never to try to host two events in one weekend. I am, of course, using the word event loosely...but as someone who doesn't normally have people over, this was quite an endeavor.
Friday, I went into the office. I rarely go in on Friday...and by rarely I think I have been in three times since we moved back in May. That threw me off because normally I don't "come home from work" on Fridays because I've been here all day. When I came home, I was tired and felt compelled to lay on the sofa for much of the evening. And I am trying to think what we even ate for dinner but I am at a total loss...the evening is kind of a blur.
Saturday, we got up, went to 3 different grocery stores (looking for something we never did find), came home, cleaned the house and then made dinner for friends who were coming over. It was a little stressful because it was something I have never made before - but a family recipe so it wasn't like I was guinea-pigging anyone too badly..though the recipe had no measurements..but just some advice from my mom that said just put what looks right....ugh! Anyway, but it turned out really good so that made me happy. And thank god for Whole Foods and their fantastic deserts... At 10:30 I was in bed...
This morning, we got up (noticing a trend here...) and my mom, dad and one of my sisters came down to make cookies. IT TOOK ALL DAY! I had forethought to make a dinner in the crock pot and thank god because after spending the whole day baking and washing dishes and then had to make dinner...well...lets just say I would have been on the train to crazy town. Anyway, it was fun...but now all I want to do is crawl in bed...oh's almost 10:00.
I am not conditioned for this!!! This kind of weekend really requires an additional day off...which I fear I will not be getting tomorrow.
Next weekend I plan to sit on my ass and watch leftovers...oh..and cookies....